About Nowhere
About Nowhere (2010) [Excerpt, 02:06]
- Media Single channel SD video with sound. Colour.
- Length Seamless loop (duration before repeat 16:24)
- Artist Sam Jury
About Nowhere is a looped video that forms part of a larger body of work exploring the potential of film to describe the object quality, or plastic value, of subject and traverse the gap between filmic and sculptural. Sound design reinforces the mechanics of movement, moving subject away from a figurative ideal. Contained in a space with no specific time or context, About Nowhere borrows from a multitude of conventions ranging from old master paintings to contemporary horror films.

As part of Coerced Nature (2013), Rose Art Museum, USA.

As part of Coerced Nature (2013), Rose Art Museum, USA.

Studio tests, 2013.
- Media Single channel SD video with sound. Colour.
- Length Seamless loop (duration before repeat 16:24)
- Artist Sam Jury